#Mario Jumpman Mario
The biggest issue I had with The Super Mario bros Movie was....
They kept tryna make Lu happen ITS WEGI WE-GI.
Not Lu. I have never heard anyone call Luigi LU.
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quirkle2 · 1 year
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pronouns are ha/hoo
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himbo-kronk-stan · 2 years
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Fun Fact: You could call every Mario Movie so far an Isekai!
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lavalamp-juice · 1 year
Hi! Just a Mario Fic based on posts from @zootopiathingz and @jessadamsdraws , thanks for the inspo!
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It had been about a 6 months since the Mario Brothers started living in the mushroom kingdom, it had been nice but a pretty big change from Brooklyn.
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The air quality was much different, the people were nicer and the abundance of nature and different technology was something to get used to. The brothers had been working for Toads homes but they mainly worked for the castle and there was lots of work to be done. It is a very big castle after all.
While getting their tools and uniforms on Luigi had noticed Mario looking in the mirror a lot more than usual and pacing back and forth. Combing his hair over and over again, Luigi found it strange.
Mario and Peach had some sort of spark since the first time they met. They had never really brought it up to each other, this made both Peach and Mario wonder if the other liked them like *that*. Luigi had figured out they had crushes on each other fairly easily but today he was going to get all the confirmation he needed.
When Luigi finally got Mario to stop looking in the mirror they warp-piped to the Castle. Peach and two guards were waiting for them at the front gate. Of course she had many Toads working for her she didn't need to greet them or explain what work needed to be done. She saw it as a way of giving thanks for helping her defeat Bowser and well she just liked spending time with them, especially Mario. Some days she couldn't get him off her mind, how heroic and kind he was. Today was one of those days. She saw the brothers jump out of the warp pipe and walk towards the castle. She got butterflies🦋 but could keep her composure.
"Hey princess how are ya?"Mario asked.
"Hi!, good as usual" she said smiling.
Her smile was always so genuine and sweet Mario thought.
"How about you guys?" she asked.
"Good" both of them answered at the same time.
Peach giggled and gestured to follow her.
Luigi noticed how red Mario would get when he was with her.
She had led them to a guest bathroom, where the sink faucet was leaking a bit
"We'll get it fixed in no time" Luigi assured her.
"Take all the time you need"
He went inside the bathroom to get started while Mario and Peach were chatting outside the door, Luigi overhearing. They were laughing and reminiscing on their adventure to the Jungle Kingdom.
Mario somehow always had something witty to say, Luigi found it strange since he had never been good with women back home. There was just something different about their relationship.
"Well I wont keep you, some toads will have some snacks in the Dining Hall when you done!"
Mario thanked her and joined Luigi under the sink.
They were just about finished, they just needed to make sure the sink worked properly. They both stood up and Luigi wanted to test out his theory and wanted to tease his brother a bit, what else were little brothers for?
Hand in pockets Luigi playfully rolled his eyes and said "We all know you have a crush on *her*"
Mario, taken a back by his abrupt comment scrunched up his shoulders and thoughts raced through his mind. "I don't want Luigi to know about my crush! Gosh I wouldn't hear the end of it. Anyways it's not like I ever plan on would ever telling her! That was farthest thing he wanted to do. She was a princess after all! Who would want someone like him..." he thought.
"I do not have a crush on Peach" Mario waved his hand and dismised.
Luigi raised his eyebrow and smugly looked at his brother. Knowing he had fallen right into his trap...
Mario turned and asked "What??"
Luigi still with his smug look smiled and teased "I never said who."
Mario turned as red as his shirt in disbelief.
How could I have said that?! He thought.
They both laughed and without a moment to lose he playfully jumped on Luigi's back " Listen here you little jerk!" Mario couldn't stop laughing at the fact his own brother tricked him like that!
Peach had heard the commotion while walking down the hall.
So she came around with a smile and peered through the door "What are you two up to?"
Luigi with Mario on his back happily replied "Oh! Just teasing him about his cru- "
"I hurT MY FOOT AND HE'S GIVING ME A RIDE!" Mario's voice cracking, interrupted him. He was a terrible liar. He could feel how red his face was, he could barely get his thoughts straight.
"uh.... okay." Peach awkwardly answered.
A very long 3 seconds of silence passed by.
"So uh.. You two almost done? To join me for afternoon tea and the snacks?"
"Yup, i- uh yes" Mario still embarrassingly stuttered. He got down from Luigis back.
"We will be there in just a moment Princess we just need to finish up, thank you" Luigi answered still smirking.
Peach nodded and walked away. "Something about a crush" she thought. She wondered if it could be her but alas that was only wishful thinking. "Probably someone back from their world." she sighed under her breath.
Luigi tested out the sink while Mario had his hands over his face.
"Is it really that obvious?" Mario asked, muffled by his hands.
"Ehhh yes... And no. But you just confirmed it for me. I was about 80% sure before ehehe." Luigi answered.
"Gosh- do you think that she uh... She-"
"Likes you? Yeah bro I'd say so. You're a great guy!"
"Really... Huh, I'd really hope so. "
Luigi patted Mario on the back.
"It'll all work out. You'll see. Now c'mon let's go join her for tea"
"Alright" Mario said, the redness in his face had died down a bit.
On their way to the Dining Hall he wondered if he actually had a chance with the lovely princess...
Only time would tell.
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theunknowninside · 1 year
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genderfluidsgetguns · 6 months
wouldn't it be fuckin weird if a ufo appeared and then there was super mario inside of it and he jumped out of it and like. started a business or something
yeah that would
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upwards-descent · 2 years
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Happy Mar10 Day!
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mega-angry-art · 1 year
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Hello, little stylus!
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eriksartworld · 4 months
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Welcome to the tournament! Art from Tiki, Koko, and Mine's Super Smash Brothers RP
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Ko-fi // Twitter // Ask Blog: Ending the Cycle
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giygas-bandicoot · 2 years
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MAR10 Wet Dry World
Happy Mario day everyone! Got this right before the end! I've been obsessed with Wet Dry World especially thanks to SM64 Classified by Greenio. So have my first crack on the world's favorite plumber in the negative aura zone itself.
Posted using PostyBirb
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tylernolbottle · 2 years
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playing lots of mario kart mobile (don’t ask) . so i drew some alt halloween costumes for the alum
(w/o reference and at an angle so ik it’s wobbly i do- clicking the image may make it look less crunchy though!)
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Alright everyone after seeing the mario movie....I now need more Powser in my life than ever before!
PeachxBowser 100%
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ly0nstea · 1 year
The mario movie might just be the best movie ever made
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nm-mattuz · 11 months
A bit of Mario vs Bowser shots.
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lavalamp-juice · 1 year
You see the Mario movie yet? If so, thoughts?
AH I'm sorry this took so long! got put in my drafts and I assumed I lost the ask D:
But to answer: We saw the first showing of our theater (was full of cute lil kids, it's almost like the normal teen would be in school or smth xD) (perks of online school ig)
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The Art: I like how it's animated, cartoonish enough for the slapstick to work! colors and just all the designs in general were nice. I desperately want Illumination to make an Art Book usually art books come out with the movie tho so I doubt it :////
The actors: Liked em all! Especially Bowser, DK, and Luigi.
Plot: Pretty good all things considered! I was watching a review by the Super Carlin Bros, they brought out how Toad totally should have been a secret spy, which I agree! Who was givin Bowser all this info?? Other than that it was super fast paced I would have liked a couple of slower moments. Peaches and Mario's slow burn was adorable!! Can't believe they gave him rizz , tbh it wasn't really even that he was just being himself which I think is sweeter :') Friends to Lovers is my FAV I hope Luigi gets Daisy in a future movie he deserves her! Overall very enjoyable!
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Jokes: yes yes yes all the jokes landed for me. ESPECIALLY the DK and Mario moment in the whale (fish??idk) it's even funnier in Spanish.
I'm so excited to watch it again on streaming, if its not on streaming I'd even buy the dvd cause man I really liked this movie. I've been seeing clips of it dubbed in Spanish, idk why cartoons are so much funnier in Spanish??? The movie got me to read fan fic for the 1st time xD my favorite has been a couple of writings from @drones-of-innocence and I've seen such cool fan art 🎨. One last thing I liked the Shy Guys UGH they are so cute
Overall 8/10 :D
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gonerboy · 2 years
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MARIO BROTHERS: Humble Beginnings
Part 1
So, uh... I made this comic wayyyy back, when the Mario movie was first announced... I was waiting to post it until more parts were complete, annnnd then completely forgot about it. 😅
Well, no time like the present, right?
Anyway, this is kind of how I envisioned a “Mario Origin Story” would begin. If this gets some attention, maybe it’ll continue... 🤷
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